5 Tips for Weight Loss

~ 5 Tips For Weight Loss ~
1.) Don’t Skip Breakfast: Eating breakfast will give you energy for the day andmakes it easier to make good choices at lunch time when you are starving from not eating breakfast. Just stay away from the donuts, muffins, and high sugar cereals!
2.) Maintain Blood Sugar Levels: Your body will burn fat as a fuel source only when blood sugar levels are low. So too many carbs from things like pasta, bread, cereals, fruits, soda, etc. will keep your blood sugar levels elevated making losing weight and fat much tougher.
3.) Exercise: Obviously exercising burns calories but in addition to the cardiovascular exercise, focus on some strength training to build muscle which will increase your metabolism. A higher metabolism means you will burn more calories on a daily basis.
4.) Protein Intake: Protein will repair muscles that are damaged from working out but also the protein won’t elevate your blood sugar levels like carbohydrates do, so your body will choose to use fat as a fuel source for energy.
5.) Portion Control: Total number of calories in your diet obviously effects weight loss or gain. Try a small reduction in the size of your portions at each meal and that can help with weight loss over time.
Jim Cotta – Fitness Director