Frequently Asked Questions

Can I resign or transfer my membership to someone else?

A member may resign his or her membership and arrange for the Club to reissue the membership. Resignation of a membership is irrevocable, unless otherwise determined by the Club. A member owning a residence or homesite in the Community subject to a mandatory membership requirement is permitted to resign his or her membership only in connection with the sale or other transfer of his or her residence or homesite and the reissuance of the membership to the purchaser or transferee of the residence or homesite.

How do I become a member?

“Each person who desires to become a member must mail or deliver to the Club a fully completed and signed Membership Agreement. The required  Non-Refundable Membership Initiation Fee or Transfer Fee must also be paid in conjunction with submission of the Membership Agreement.

The sole basis upon which the Club may deny admission to a purchaser of a residence or homesite in the Community subject to a mandatory membership requirement who applies for a membership shall be that the applicant, or in the case of title to the residence or homesite being held in the name of more than one person, any such person is a convicted felon. However, any Sports Member who desires to acquire the golf level of dues must submit a Membership Agreement for Golf Members and must be approved for such membership. In the event the agreement is not acted upon favorably, such member will be required to remain a Sports Member, as per the Master Property Declaration.”

What do I have to pay for a membership in The Grove?

In the case of an initial purchaser of a residence or homesite in the Community, a membership admission payment called a “Transfer Fee” will be paid by the seller of the property for the benefit of the purchaser of the property in connection with the issuance of a Resident Membership to the purchaser. A Transfer Fee must also be paid to the Club in connection with the re-issuance of a Resident Membership to a resale purchaser of a residence or homesite in the Community from an existing Resident Member. In this case, the Transfer Fee shall be paid by the selling member and the amount thereof shall be set forth in the selling member’s Membership Agreement. Each person who acquires a Non-Resident Membership will be required to pay a membership admission payment called a “Membership Deposit” in effect at the time.

What are the privileges associated with sports dues?

Members selecting sports privileges and dues (“Sports Members”) will be entitled to use all of the Club Facilities, excluding the golf facilities subject to the provision below. Sports Members will have access to the tennis facilities without the payment of court fees. Advance sign-up privileges for court times will be determined by the Club from time to time. The Club may from time to time allow Sports Members to play golf and use the practice facilities on terms and conditions determined by the Club.

What are the privileges associated with golf dues?

Members selecting golf privileges and dues (“Golf Members”) are entitled to use all of the Club Facilities. For use of the golf course, these members will pay a cart fee, as applicable, but no greens fees. Golf Members will have access to the tennis facilities without the payment of court fees. Advance sign-up privileges for tee times and court times will be determined by the Club from time to time.

What are the primary types of memberships offered in the Club?

Resident Memberships are offered in the Club. Resident Members can choose between two dues options upon joining: golf dues option and sports dues option. A member can change his or her dues option one time during the life of the membership, unless specific approval is obtained from the Club. Resident Memberships are issued to property owners in the “Community.”