Frequently Asked Questions

Will my family members be welcome at The Grove Club?

Yes. The ability to spend quality time with members of the family is of paramount importance these days. The Club is committed to providing a pleasant environment where this can be accomplished. Each membership in the Club is a family membership, which includes full privileges for Immediate Family Members (i.e., the member’s spouse or “Designated Family Member,” and the children of the member or spouse or Designated Family Member who are under the age of 25, subject to the provisions of the Membership Plan, without the payment of additional dues. “Extended Family Members” (defined as children of the member, the member’s spouse or the Designated Family Member who do not qualify as Immediate Family Members, parents and grandchildren of the member and member’s spouse or Designated Family Member, and the spouses or Designated Family Members of such family members), are entitled to use the Club Facilities in accordance with the member’s privileges, so long as they are accompanied by the member or an Immediate Family Member. Applicable user fees for Extended Family Members will be at preferred rates. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case where a grandchild plays golf with a grandparent who has selected golf privileges, no greens fee will be required.

May I invite guests to the Club?

Yes. Having your friends enjoy The Grove’s outstanding facilities with you is a wonderful attribute of membership. Therefore, members are entitled to have guests use the Club Facilities in accordance with the member’s dues category and the rules and regulations adopted by the Club to preserve the exclusivity of its facilities. Another attractive feature of membership in The Grove is the ability to have both accompanied and unaccompanied guests enjoy the Club Facilities, subject to the provisions of the Rules and Regulations.