Spring Fitness Tips from Jim Cotta

new year

The Grove’s very own Fitness Director and Author of Men’s Health Workout Wars, Jim Cotta, shares some important tips to help you get fit and active this spring.

Start a Contest – In my recently published book, Men’s Health–Workout War, I explain how to set up a successful weight-loss contest and why this is so successful in motivating you to reach your goals.

Set a Timeline– Put it on your calendar. If you don’t, you will procrastinate and never get started.

Find a Partner– Whether it’s your spouse or a friend, talk someone else into doing exactly what you are doing. Success rates are much higher when you have someone to hold you accountable.

Expect Discomfort – Making change is not easy and there will be some pain involved, so expect it going in so that you don’t get discouraged.

Set a Specific and Realistic Goal – Setting a short-term goal and one that is very specific will most likely get you better results.

Have a Plan – Once your goal is in place then you need a detailed plan on paper to help you get there. Set up a meeting with a trainer to
help you get started.

Make One Food Resolution– Cut out one specific thing in your diet (like soda or bread) instead of trying to totally change everything about your eating habits.

Put an Event on the Calendar– Run in a 5k, plan a bike ride, or a trip to the beach–anything to keep you on track and motivated! Sign up for ours on April 23rd–benefiting Journey Home.

Log Your Foods– Log what you eat every day on a site like myfitnesspal.com. I tell all my clients to do this. Why? Because it works.

Take A Workout Class – It can be motivating and fun to be in a workout class, and don’t be afraid to try something new you may just fall in love with it!